Wildlife Conservation Society is a New York based non-government/profit organization with its South Pacific Program head quarters based in Suva, Fiji Islands.
The principal project of WCS is Ecosystem-Based Management project (EBM) in Kubulau qoliqoli in Bua, Southern Vanua Levu and falls within the 16° 50’12.10”S, 178° 51’28.33”E and 17° 09’08.47”S, 179° 10’56.50”E. The total area of the fishing ground is 263.11 km2 with established MPAs of 85.98 km2. This site contains 3 fisheries no-take MPAs and 13 traditional tabu sites that are managed by the resource owning community.
The Namena MPA is more than 10 years old initiated by the community and 3 marine reserves have been established 3 year ago with the initial establishment of the EBM project in 2005. The principal role involves biological and monitoring of established MPAs and their effectiveness.
Contact: Mr Naushad Yakub
11 Maafu Street, Suva
t: 3315174
f: 3310178
e: [email protected]