The Great Fiji Butterflyfish Count

News from the South Pacific

Some news and info from the Great Fiji Butterflyfish Count in Fiji

The Great Fiji Shark Count

Come and help celebrate Fiji's magnificent Sharks, Rays and Turtles, have fun and show you care about our world's delicate coral reefs: join the hunt for the Great Fiji Shark!

From the 10th – 13th November, 2008, Dakuibeqa Primary School and Uluinakorovatu Primary School on Beqa Island, celebrated the International Year of the Reef (IYOR) by participating in a week long program on marine education and conservation.

2009 inaugural Fiji Islands Conservation Science Forum (FICSF) provided an excellent platform for the Butterflyfish Count organizing committee to present its findings to the greater scientific and conservation organizations in Fiji as well as to the general public. The presentation was made by Chinnamma Reddy on behalf of the committee.

An invitation was extended to 11 volunteers from Navatu to spend the day in Nukubalavu, to take part in The Great Fiji Butte rflyfish Count, alongside the staff and volunteers of the Greenforce Team.

The day consisted of several 30 minute snorkels along the Nasonisoni Passage. Each team consisted of two surveyors armed with an identification slate. The day was a good opportunity for the Greenforce volunteers and the Navatu volunteers to work together.