The Great Fiji Butterflyfish Count

An invitation was extended to 11 volunteers from Navatu to spend the day in Nukubalavu, to take part in The Great Fiji Butterflyfish Count, alongside the staff and volunteers of the Greenforce Team.

The day consisted of several 30 minute snorkels along the Nasonisoni Passage. Each team consisted of two surveyors armed with an identification slate. The day was a good opportunity for the Greenforce volunteers and the Navatu volunteers to work together.

This project was conducted throughout November across all the Islands of Fiji. Many different dive organisations and resorts, using a combination of tourists, science trained staff and locals took part in the collection of this data.

The aim of this research is to establish the health of Fiji’s Coral Reefs.

Butterflyfish are a good indication of a healthy reef; the greater the number of butterflyfish present, the healthier the habitat.

All the information collected from the surveys has been passed on for analysis.

Greenforce would like to thank the local community for their help in this project, for without their help, we would not have been able to collect such valuable data.

The Greenforce staff and volunteers: Phase 15