Results and Data

Using the data you have helped gather, we will not only be able to map Butterfly Fish distribution and abundance in Fiji, but because butterfly fish act as significant indicators of reef health, we can use the information to infer patterns of reef health.
The Great Fiji Butterflyfish Conclusions

We have done a first analysis to get the results out to you as quickly as we could. The next step will be a more scientific analysis to see what we can make from the patterns that have been seen. As we do this, we will keep you posted on this site – watch this […]
Regional results

The Western and Southern Islands of Fiji were joint first for both number of Butterflyfish and number of different species.
Fiji’s Top 10 Butterflyfish

Fiji’s Top 10 Butterflyfish
Most Common Butterflyfish in region

Most Common Butterflyfish in region