The Great Fiji Butterflyfish Count

Corals are small animals (polyps) that are closely related to sea anemones and jellyfish.

Most corals create colonies, by growing a large rocky skeleton that we see as a solid coral rock. The soft bodied polyps live in the outer edge of this skeleton, on top of the empty skeletons of previous generations. Only the outer layer of a coral boulder is alive.

Coral Reef Biology
Illustration showing coral skeleton from “Corals of the World” by Jen Veron , ISBN 0-642-32236-8 – Painting by Geoff Kelly

The skeleton made by the polyps is white (calcium carbonate). Corals get their wide range of colours from single-cells plants (symbiotic algae called Zooxanthellae) living in the skin of the corals.

Corals of the World, Vol. 1, 2, 3 (in Slip Cover)

For more Butterflyfish information:

A Guide to Angelfishes and Butterflyfishes
Author: Gerald R Allen, Roger Steene, Mark Allen.
ISBN 0-9661720-1-9

Reef Fish Identification – Tropical Pacific
Author: Gerald Allen, Roger Steene, Paul Human
ISBN: 978-1878348364

Reef Fishes of the World
Authors: ieske and Myers,
ISBN: 978-0691089959

Coral Reef Animals of the Indo-Pacific

Author: Terrence M. Gosliner, David W. Behrens

ISBN: 978-0930118211

Marine Life of Fiji and Tonga: A Video Identification Guide

Josh Jensen and Liz Harlin

More Butterflyfish Info

Coral BiologyCoral Biology
Coral BiologyCoral Biology
Coral BiologyCoral Biology